- The total distance to Morrow Mountain State Park in Albemarle, NC is 997 km
- We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk 5.8 km a day.
- Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
- Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):
- total walked: 34.99 km
- total eligible: 27.44 km
(-13.16 km behind)
Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)
- total walked: 48.82 km
- total eligible: 36.95 km
(-3.65 km behind)
Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)
- total walked: 36.39 km
- total eligible: 25.30 km
(-15.30 km behind)
Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):
- total walked: 58.44 km
- total eligible: 42.91 km
(+2.31 km over)
Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):
- total walked: 45.95km
- total eligible: 35.49km
(-5.11km behind)
Week 6 (Aug 18 - 24):
- total walked: 56.91km
- total eligible: 41.11km
(+0.51 km over)
Week 7 (Aug 25 - 31):
- total walked: 49.32km
- total eligible: 42.45 km
(+1.85 km over)
Week 8 (Sept 1 - 7):
- total walked: 52.58 km
- total eligible: 39.86 km
(-0.74 km behind)
Week 9 (Sept 8 - 14):
- total walked: 74.52 km
- total eligible: 60.04km
(+19.44 km over)
Week 10 (Sept 15 - 21):
- total walked: ? km
- total eligible: 28.92 km
(-11.95 km behind)
Week 11 (Sept 29 - Oct 5)
- total walked: 38.81 km
- total eligible: 30.90 km
(-9.70 km behind)
Last week (Oct 6 - Oct 12):
- total walked: 33.93 km
- total eligible: 30.86km
(-9.47 km behind)
This week: (Oct 6 - Oct 12)
Sunday: 8.50 km (Total) 8.50km (Eligible)
Monday: 9.90 km (Total) 7.94km(Eligible)
Tuesday: 7.26 km (Total) 7.26 km (Eligible)
Wednesday: 6.54 km (Total) 4.43 km (Eligible)
Thursday: 12.53 km (Total) 12.33 km (Eligible)
Friday: 4.47 km(Total) 3.15 km (Eligible)
Saturday: 7.21 km (Total) 7.21 km (Eligible)
Goal: 40.6 km
+10.22 (over)
Eligible: 532.76 km
-35.37 km (behind)
504.84 km to go!
My partner, Julie, is going to get there before me, but I have a plan...she is going to set up the tent and start the fire...I'll pick up stuff for s'mores!
She and I also discussed using the bike to pick up km. We had decided in the beginning that non-walking exercise would count like this - 30 minutes = .50 km. I knew that biking would get me the same number of km in less time. I needed to confirm if I would count the actual KM on a bike or just the .50km. We decided the actual distance travelled would be what would count. Truthfully, if it had been only .5km, I would not have bothered. I don't like biking much and really prefer to walk.
But because it does count, I think I will have to head over to mom and dad's a few times and use their stationary bike to make up some km. I would like to be back on track by the end of November.
If my math is correct (which could be very doubtful!) In order to be back on track by December 1st (which would be ideal, it's the start of a new week) I need to get in 68.49 km a week OR 9.78 km a day.
I'll just have to make it work!
Get back on track for December 1st. I'll do it!
S'mores, here we come!