As I mentioned in my last post Ashley, Julie and I have collaborated to come up with a year long challenge to help keep up motivated.
We are all busy individuals, who understand and appreciate that the challenge needs to be manageable for all walks of life. One that can accommodate working people, married people, single people, lazy people, EVERYBODY!!!
Each month comes in 2 part is a daily calendar that includes motivating words, simple exercises and challenges for the day. It will give you something different to try, strive for or think about each day.
We also knew there needed to be a more "intense" challenge each month and that is the second part. Realizing that having one that lasted a whole month would be too time consuming, we agreed that a 7 day challenge would work better. That would leave each individual participating to pick 7 consecutive days that worked best for them.
We hope that you will join us. I will (hopefully) be posting and encouraging you to comment each day on my Facebook page with your progress for the challenge.
Here is to a fantastic 2015!!!