So, it's Tuesday and it's truth night.....holy crap-ola....what a truth night it is.
Here is the truth:
I went to Niagara and got fat! I mean, you probably can't tell to look at me, but I think the scale groaned a little when I got on. From what I can tell, I gained roughly 5 lbs in 3 days!
Do I regret it? Yes and no! I regret that I took an awesome calorie burning opportunity and ate it away. I mean, once we got to Niagara, we walked everywhere. I could have chosen to eat in moderation a bit more and also not snacked on the junk we brought from Wine Gums. I mean, I felt FULL the entire time we were away!
But in regards to NOT regretting it? I enjoyed all the meals out! We asked the kids at dinner tonight what their favorite part of our trip was? They enjoyed the waterpark and while both my husband and I both enjoyed watching them have fun and spending time with favorite part was the food! Perhaps it was the fact that I didn't have to cook it or prepare it or prep it. In was delightful in all it's greasy goodness.
If I'm being truthful, it wasn't just the weekend away that did me in. I pretty much ate like crap since last week. I am prepared to get back on track tonight. Now that I am at home....I feel BLECH!
Tomorrow starts the 30-Day Squat Challenge and I wanted to also start my Couch to 5k again in May. It was a bit of a toss up if I should start both. The squats will be killer and I know for a fact that if I am doing them properly, I won't be able to walk afterwards, let alone run. I think I will do this. Go for a run tonight and then proceed to start the 30 day death trial tomorrow as planned. If I am too sore, then running will go to the back burner for the next month or sporadic days when I feel well enough to do so. My hubby is also going to do the squat/death challenge with me, so that should be fun and encouraging.
I will check in tomorrow and recap day 1 of the 30-Day death trial! :-)
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Fitness Friday - 04/20 - 04/26
Time to review my fitness levels for the past week!
Saturday: Nothing structured, basic running around we do on Saturdays in town.
Sunday: Nadda - tends to be my down day from what I can see....BUT, I did spend the entire day outside putting around.
Monday: Walked the kids to school and daycare, did a 30 minute walk at work and THEN later that evening, did my killer walk with the ladies.
Tuesday: Walked the kids to school and daycare. I did a couple short walks at work. Honestly, my legs were pretty tired from the walk with the gals that I needed a day of rest.
Wednesday: I was on my feet all day making walk for me
Thursday: Walked the kids to school and daycare. Did another couple short walks at work again. I had to go and renew licence plates and mail a parcel.
Friday: Walked the kids to school and daycare. Once again had to go and mail some parcels for work.
Exercise-wise, it wasn't a bad week.....let's not talk about diet-wise though. I pretty much blew it this week. It is only going to get worse from here for a few days. We are taking a family vacation to Niagara Falls. That means eating out for 3 days, but I am hoping that the amount of walking and playing at the water park will help even things out.
Next Wednesday is also the start of the 30-Day Squat challenge. I will do a post then, linking up everyone who is participating.....I think I have a list of 6 of us....7 if I can convince my husband to do it with me. I will do an update on my progress every Wednesday until the challenge is over (or I die, whichever comes first!)
Saturday: Nothing structured, basic running around we do on Saturdays in town.
Sunday: Nadda - tends to be my down day from what I can see....BUT, I did spend the entire day outside putting around.
Monday: Walked the kids to school and daycare, did a 30 minute walk at work and THEN later that evening, did my killer walk with the ladies.
Tuesday: Walked the kids to school and daycare. I did a couple short walks at work. Honestly, my legs were pretty tired from the walk with the gals that I needed a day of rest.
Wednesday: I was on my feet all day making walk for me
Thursday: Walked the kids to school and daycare. Did another couple short walks at work again. I had to go and renew licence plates and mail a parcel.
Friday: Walked the kids to school and daycare. Once again had to go and mail some parcels for work.
Exercise-wise, it wasn't a bad week.....let's not talk about diet-wise though. I pretty much blew it this week. It is only going to get worse from here for a few days. We are taking a family vacation to Niagara Falls. That means eating out for 3 days, but I am hoping that the amount of walking and playing at the water park will help even things out.
Next Wednesday is also the start of the 30-Day Squat challenge. I will do a post then, linking up everyone who is participating.....I think I have a list of 6 of us....7 if I can convince my husband to do it with me. I will do an update on my progress every Wednesday until the challenge is over (or I die, whichever comes first!)
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Non-Scale Victory # 5
Hey everybody! It's Thursday again! Time to celebrate those successes away from the scale.
It's been a slow week in my mind for such things.
Here is the rundown:
On Monday, I was invited to walk with a few ladies that live locally. I went and managed to keep up with them. I was worried my snail's pace would leave me dragging them down. My calves are also still protesting the big hill we walked up.
On Wednesday, I made a total of 100 cupcakes and didn't eat a singlecooked one (the 2 cupcakes worth of batter don't count...they didn't have icing!) See how yummy they looked?
You can read here how 12 cupcakes somehow turned into 100!
Today, I took a lunch to work. I mean, I usually do, but last night I was not in the mood to make my lunch after I had packed lunch for my son and husband. I would have done 1 of 2 things today....went and got something greasy OR starved myself until I gorged when I got home. It doesn't help that lunch supplies for me are winding down until next week.
How did you do this week? Why not check out the link up? Add your own and see what others were up to!
It's been a slow week in my mind for such things.
Here is the rundown:
On Monday, I was invited to walk with a few ladies that live locally. I went and managed to keep up with them. I was worried my snail's pace would leave me dragging them down. My calves are also still protesting the big hill we walked up.
On Wednesday, I made a total of 100 cupcakes and didn't eat a single
You can read here how 12 cupcakes somehow turned into 100!
Today, I took a lunch to work. I mean, I usually do, but last night I was not in the mood to make my lunch after I had packed lunch for my son and husband. I would have done 1 of 2 things today....went and got something greasy OR starved myself until I gorged when I got home. It doesn't help that lunch supplies for me are winding down until next week.
How did you do this week? Why not check out the link up? Add your own and see what others were up to!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Truth Of Tuesday Night
I worked really hard again this week. I got in lots of exercise and cut back again.
I felt really good about the scale again this week.
Last week: 245.25 lbs
This week: 244.75 lbs
A loss of .50 lbs.
It's a loss and I'm glad and it's the lowest I ever remember being in my adult life BUT, I felt like I worked hard enough to at least be down a pound.
I am chalking it up to the fact that I am full on "woman" this week and feel so bloated and "full" today.
It doesn't mean I am giving up. I will keep plugging away. It will be a bit of a challenge later in the week. We are going to Niagara Falls on Sunday for a couple days and that always means days of eating out. I will do my best to manage it and hope that loads of walking will help even things out.
Speaking of walking, let me share a little story about yesterday.
First off, if you read my 30-Day Squat Challenge post, you will recall I mentioned how I tend to jump on board BEFORE I get all the details.
Yeah....I did it again yesterday!
I got a message on Facebook yesterday afternoon, asking if I would be interested in walking with a group of women from the village around 8 pm that night. I pretty much saw these 3 words:
I felt really good about the scale again this week.
Last week: 245.25 lbs
This week: 244.75 lbs
A loss of .50 lbs.
It's a loss and I'm glad and it's the lowest I ever remember being in my adult life BUT, I felt like I worked hard enough to at least be down a pound.
I am chalking it up to the fact that I am full on "woman" this week and feel so bloated and "full" today.
It doesn't mean I am giving up. I will keep plugging away. It will be a bit of a challenge later in the week. We are going to Niagara Falls on Sunday for a couple days and that always means days of eating out. I will do my best to manage it and hope that loads of walking will help even things out.
Speaking of walking, let me share a little story about yesterday.
First off, if you read my 30-Day Squat Challenge post, you will recall I mentioned how I tend to jump on board BEFORE I get all the details.
Yeah....I did it again yesterday!
I got a message on Facebook yesterday afternoon, asking if I would be interested in walking with a group of women from the village around 8 pm that night. I pretty much saw these 3 words:
Right away I responded yes. As the day went on, I got to thinking....that the other women walking are in better shape then me and I never bothered to ask the route of their walk. For all I knew, they were planning on some 5k hike. I would be left stranded on the side of the road with only my plastic Tupperware knife to protect me! I told my husband to come looking for me if I wasn't home after 3 hours....he refused!
So I ventured out to meet these great ladies (all of whom I know through the daycare), wondering if I had bitten off more than I could chew. I mean, when I walk, it's at a snail's pace.
Turns out, the route was pretty typical to mine with the exception of a big hill thrown in. Their pace was faster than mine, but it was good because it made me push myself a bit harder to keep up. I felt great after. Not only accomplished because I had an awesome walk, but because I got to hang out with adult women (and no kids tagging along)
They are hoping to do this twice a week and I would love to join them as often as I can.
So I ventured out to meet these great ladies (all of whom I know through the daycare), wondering if I had bitten off more than I could chew. I mean, when I walk, it's at a snail's pace.
Turns out, the route was pretty typical to mine with the exception of a big hill thrown in. Their pace was faster than mine, but it was good because it made me push myself a bit harder to keep up. I felt great after. Not only accomplished because I had an awesome walk, but because I got to hang out with adult women (and no kids tagging along)
They are hoping to do this twice a week and I would love to join them as often as I can.
Monday, April 22, 2013
30-Day Squat Challenge
Starting May 1, I have agreed to join a couple fellow bloggers, Bonnie and Dani, in the 30-Day Squat Challenge.
I have seen this all over Pinterest-ville, and even pinned it in myself.
When Bonnie put it up on her blog and put a shout out for more people to join, I was all over it "like a fat kid on a smartie"
Bonnie and Dani are already warming up, getting prepped for the first day of the challenge. I on the other hand, like to jump in blind.
Want to see what this challenge is all about?
I have seen this all over Pinterest-ville, and even pinned it in myself.
When Bonnie put it up on her blog and put a shout out for more people to join, I was all over it "like a fat kid on a smartie"
Bonnie and Dani are already warming up, getting prepped for the first day of the challenge. I on the other hand, like to jump in blind.
Want to see what this challenge is all about?
So, here is the thing....I jumped on ship before I actually read the whole challenge through. Basically, the title lured me in like a man to shiny objects. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I did and I am not going to back out, but I can tell you's going to S-U-C-K! Like, I will hardly be able to bend to sit on the toilet, kind of suck! I read it through in full today and did notice that you get a rest day every few days (thank goodness for THAT!)
It will be a good addtion to my daily walk though. Squats are killer exercise and surpringly get the heart rate up.
So, who else wants to join? I am going to make sure I blog about my progess every week for sure.
Here's to squats and sore limbs!
Here's to squats and sore limbs!
Friday, April 19, 2013
I LOVE This Product!
Sometimes you come across a product that you love so much you want to shout it from the roof tops!
I was first introduced to this product a few months ago and I bought one to see if it performed like the claims.
I was hesitant to believe it, but in the end, I was pleasantly surprised and since that time, I have told MANY people about it and purchased 4 more.
What is this product you ask?
Well, it's a Tupperware product. Firstly, let me say....I am a SUCKER for those home parties....I get a glimmer in my eye when I see a new product catalogue and mentally wish I was a millionaire so I could buy at least one of everything in the book. Secondly, this is not your mother's Tupperware. No longer is it shades of avocado green and pumpkin orange. It's lime greens and pinks and purples....very purdie! It's called a FridgeSmart.
I originally just bought a small one to see if the claims were true. At the party, the rep said that fresh mushrooms would last about 2-3 weeks in the fridge while in this container. Now, if you have ever bought fresh mushrooms, you know they have a shelf life of about 3 minutes. I didn't end up trying them first, in fact, I used it for strawberries first, which coincidentally also have a shelf life of about 3 minutes. After about 2 days of being in the container, I pulled them out for the first time to cut some up. I wasn't sure when I pulled off the lid, they looked a little soft. Upon further inspection though, they were still nice and firm. Same thing a few days later. In the end, I managed to go through a whole pack of strawberries without them going bad.
My next test was grapes. I filled it up and left them. I had more to use first. After about a week and a bit, I pulled out the container. Still firm and fresh! My parents were over about 4 days later for dinner and I was telling my mom how wonderful this product was and that I was so excited because they actually were on sale! I pulled out the container and made her feel them AND eat them. My dad wondered what the hoopla was all about and I gave him the same spiel. I made him try a grape (I think it was the first one he has ever had....probably his last too)...I may or may not have said
"see how great they look dad? Not like wizened old butt holes!" ( you totally get what I mean....they always look a little wrinkly around the stem, plus I had to sell my dad on them....nobody wants wizened old butt holes!
So, I have given you my story on them, would you like to see them now?
Let me show you what I have stored in mine.
They are a bit costly to get started and require a bit of work to store your produce in (because you have to package them up in them) but it's worth it. For me, I shop every 2 weeks and before I had my FridgeSmarts, my produce would barely last one week, let alone 2. I now tend to run out of produce before it spoils. So, in the end, this produce is saving me money by decreasing waste.
I was first introduced to this product a few months ago and I bought one to see if it performed like the claims.
I was hesitant to believe it, but in the end, I was pleasantly surprised and since that time, I have told MANY people about it and purchased 4 more.
What is this product you ask?
Well, it's a Tupperware product. Firstly, let me say....I am a SUCKER for those home parties....I get a glimmer in my eye when I see a new product catalogue and mentally wish I was a millionaire so I could buy at least one of everything in the book. Secondly, this is not your mother's Tupperware. No longer is it shades of avocado green and pumpkin orange. It's lime greens and pinks and purples....very purdie! It's called a FridgeSmart.
I originally just bought a small one to see if the claims were true. At the party, the rep said that fresh mushrooms would last about 2-3 weeks in the fridge while in this container. Now, if you have ever bought fresh mushrooms, you know they have a shelf life of about 3 minutes. I didn't end up trying them first, in fact, I used it for strawberries first, which coincidentally also have a shelf life of about 3 minutes. After about 2 days of being in the container, I pulled them out for the first time to cut some up. I wasn't sure when I pulled off the lid, they looked a little soft. Upon further inspection though, they were still nice and firm. Same thing a few days later. In the end, I managed to go through a whole pack of strawberries without them going bad.
My next test was grapes. I filled it up and left them. I had more to use first. After about a week and a bit, I pulled out the container. Still firm and fresh! My parents were over about 4 days later for dinner and I was telling my mom how wonderful this product was and that I was so excited because they actually were on sale! I pulled out the container and made her feel them AND eat them. My dad wondered what the hoopla was all about and I gave him the same spiel. I made him try a grape (I think it was the first one he has ever had....probably his last too)...I may or may not have said
"see how great they look dad? Not like wizened old butt holes!" ( you totally get what I mean....they always look a little wrinkly around the stem, plus I had to sell my dad on them....nobody wants wizened old butt holes!
So, I have given you my story on them, would you like to see them now?
I have 3 different sizes...small, medium and medium long. There is a large, but it is only available when you buy the set of them. You can see a chart like picture on the sides of them. This tells you how much ventilation particular veggies like. You adjust the air flow on the containers depending on what you have stored in them.
Each container has 2 "nostrils" and you open and close them according to the instructions and produce type.
My small one had 1 1/2 red peppers. They require 1 nostril to be open.
I have 2 medium ones and right now they are holding one container of strawberries and a bag of grapes. They both need both nostrils closed. Because they both require the same ventilation, they can be mixed together.
I also have 2 medium long ones. I have 5 pears in one and the other is holding a head of romaine lettuce ( I did rip off the base and outer leaves) and a bunch of green onions. Again, these guys all like 1 nostril open and can share space. My hubby likes his pears hard and they will keep firm enough for him to get him through for lunches until next Thursday.
Here they are...all ready for the fridge. You can see on the right that there is a nostril open on the containers. You now just put these on your shelves and free up your crisper for other stuff. I have milk in one and my grapefruit in the other.
I hosted a Tupperware party a few weeks ago and convinced at least 3 other people to buy them.
They are a bit costly to get started and require a bit of work to store your produce in (because you have to package them up in them) but it's worth it. For me, I shop every 2 weeks and before I had my FridgeSmarts, my produce would barely last one week, let alone 2. I now tend to run out of produce before it spoils. So, in the end, this produce is saving me money by decreasing waste.
If there is one product you are looking to add to your cupboard, this should be at the top of the list!
*I do not sell Tupperware NOR am I getting anything for this post.....I just love the product*
Fitness Friday - 04/13 - 04/19
Here is the run down for how I did this week:
Saturday: None - We did go shopping and I wandered around the mall and a couple stores. I suppose some people would count it as exercise, I mean, it's better than sitting around, but for me, I never do. To me, exercise is planned and gets your heart pumping (for reasons other than watching your bank account get smaller) At this point in my recovery, it should count. I am not able to move well enough to get my heart rate up.
Sunday: 20 minute walk - we walked over to my parents and then got a lift back so I could get home to dinner
Monday: 2 - 25 minute walks. I went for one at work and then later for another when the kids went to bed.
Tuesday: I walked the kids to school and daycare, which was about 10 - 15 minutes. 1 hour of walking. I walked down to my TOPS meeting tonight and met up with some of the other members who gathered together to walk before hand. I then had to walk home afterwards
Wednesday: 30 minute walk with the kiddo today. Made it around the usual "loop" without getting chilly or having to go pee (not me...her!)
Thursday: another walk to school and daycare. A 20 minute walk - I picked up the pace a bit and could feel my heart pumping a bit harder than my walks as of late.
Friday: Once more I walked the kids to school and daycare. Then later in the morning at work, I had to go and pick up some plastic army men for some cupcakes I am making next week. The dollar store located near work was the only place I could find them. I decided to walk. I had to stop and buy an umbrella on the way. Once I got to the mall, which is about 4 blocks away, I even took the stairs instead of the escalator. We also did groceries and Costco after work.
Overall, I am very impressed with my Fitness Friday. Saturday was the only day I consider a non-exercise day. I got in the 6 days I promised myself!
How was your week?
Saturday: None - We did go shopping and I wandered around the mall and a couple stores. I suppose some people would count it as exercise, I mean, it's better than sitting around, but for me, I never do. To me, exercise is planned and gets your heart pumping (for reasons other than watching your bank account get smaller) At this point in my recovery, it should count. I am not able to move well enough to get my heart rate up.
Sunday: 20 minute walk - we walked over to my parents and then got a lift back so I could get home to dinner
Monday: 2 - 25 minute walks. I went for one at work and then later for another when the kids went to bed.
Tuesday: I walked the kids to school and daycare, which was about 10 - 15 minutes. 1 hour of walking. I walked down to my TOPS meeting tonight and met up with some of the other members who gathered together to walk before hand. I then had to walk home afterwards
Wednesday: 30 minute walk with the kiddo today. Made it around the usual "loop" without getting chilly or having to go pee (not me...her!)
Thursday: another walk to school and daycare. A 20 minute walk - I picked up the pace a bit and could feel my heart pumping a bit harder than my walks as of late.
Friday: Once more I walked the kids to school and daycare. Then later in the morning at work, I had to go and pick up some plastic army men for some cupcakes I am making next week. The dollar store located near work was the only place I could find them. I decided to walk. I had to stop and buy an umbrella on the way. Once I got to the mall, which is about 4 blocks away, I even took the stairs instead of the escalator. We also did groceries and Costco after work.
Overall, I am very impressed with my Fitness Friday. Saturday was the only day I consider a non-exercise day. I got in the 6 days I promised myself!
How was your week?
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Non Scale Victory # 4
It's funny how we tend to overlook the small things as a victory. That is one of the great things about this weekly link makes you think.
I have had a few non-scale victories this week. For some reason, my surgery was a turning point for me. I can say without a doubt, it is not a health scare thing. Sadly, I have admitted before to my TOPS group, I am not sure what sort of monumental health scare would make me smarten up. I looked at my surgery as a fresh start. My body feels better, without the undertones of nausea lurking. Also, it doesn't digest fatty foods and sweets to well anymore. The "side effects" from eating them have turned me off.
Back to the topic on hand.
My first non-scale victory is no longer letting my excuses win, mostly in regards to exercise. With that one in mind, I have gone out for at least a 20 minute walk everyday since Sunday. The third one is, once again, in the same line. I have walked my kids to school/daycare every morning since Tuesday this week.
A little back story about that one:
We live a 5 minute walk from the school/daycare. I never walked the kids, I always drove them. My reasoning was that I had to head to work straight from work and didn't have time. Then, on the weekend, there was an unfortunate incident at the daycare and starting on Tuesday (and until the incident is resolved) we are to use the front door of the school to access the daycare and avoid using the daycare parking lot. For me, this really means that by the time I park the car, I am pretty much at home anyway. So I got the kids ready to go out the door 5 minutes earlier and we walked. Even in the rain. When I got back to the house, it was still only 8:30 (the same time I would usually get into my car at the daycare) That let me know that I could walk the kids and still get to work on time. Even if I was a few minutes late, my boss doesn't mind.
I am trying my best to fit in as much exercise as I can. If I can walk, I walk.
How was your week? Why don't you join the weekly link up? The hosts are great!
I have had a few non-scale victories this week. For some reason, my surgery was a turning point for me. I can say without a doubt, it is not a health scare thing. Sadly, I have admitted before to my TOPS group, I am not sure what sort of monumental health scare would make me smarten up. I looked at my surgery as a fresh start. My body feels better, without the undertones of nausea lurking. Also, it doesn't digest fatty foods and sweets to well anymore. The "side effects" from eating them have turned me off.
Back to the topic on hand.
My first non-scale victory is no longer letting my excuses win, mostly in regards to exercise. With that one in mind, I have gone out for at least a 20 minute walk everyday since Sunday. The third one is, once again, in the same line. I have walked my kids to school/daycare every morning since Tuesday this week.
A little back story about that one:
We live a 5 minute walk from the school/daycare. I never walked the kids, I always drove them. My reasoning was that I had to head to work straight from work and didn't have time. Then, on the weekend, there was an unfortunate incident at the daycare and starting on Tuesday (and until the incident is resolved) we are to use the front door of the school to access the daycare and avoid using the daycare parking lot. For me, this really means that by the time I park the car, I am pretty much at home anyway. So I got the kids ready to go out the door 5 minutes earlier and we walked. Even in the rain. When I got back to the house, it was still only 8:30 (the same time I would usually get into my car at the daycare) That let me know that I could walk the kids and still get to work on time. Even if I was a few minutes late, my boss doesn't mind.
I am trying my best to fit in as much exercise as I can. If I can walk, I walk.
How was your week? Why don't you join the weekly link up? The hosts are great!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Truth Of Tuesday Night
Now that I am better on track, I enjoy Tuesdays again.
I knew I was going into tonight's TOPS meeting with a loss. I worked hard this week. By worked hard I mean I stayed away from the junk food and made it a point to walk more.
No more letting excuses get in my way.
It paid off,
Last week: 247.75 lbs
This week: 245.25 lbs
That's a loss of 2.50 lbs
I'm encouraged that my hard work showed results. It would have been disappointing to know I had worked as hard as I did and still gained.
Tonight my group discussed an older program called Cut & Burn
The idea behind it is to get you started on the right track to changing your habits towards diet and exercise and the path to losing weight.
It is exactly like it sounds.
Each day, you cut 100 calories from your diet and burn 100 calories through exercise.
Keep in mind that 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories.
Want some examples?
Cut 100
Now, this plan won't have you losing a pound a week, to do that, math says you need to cut 250 calories and burn 250 calories each day. That is still do-able, just need to work a bit harder.
So, that is the plan for the week. I am going to try to keep at what I was doing and incorporate the cut and burn program.
Below is the quote I posted for the group:
I knew I was going into tonight's TOPS meeting with a loss. I worked hard this week. By worked hard I mean I stayed away from the junk food and made it a point to walk more.
No more letting excuses get in my way.
It paid off,
Last week: 247.75 lbs
This week: 245.25 lbs
That's a loss of 2.50 lbs
I'm encouraged that my hard work showed results. It would have been disappointing to know I had worked as hard as I did and still gained.
Tonight my group discussed an older program called Cut & Burn
The idea behind it is to get you started on the right track to changing your habits towards diet and exercise and the path to losing weight.
It is exactly like it sounds.
Each day, you cut 100 calories from your diet and burn 100 calories through exercise.
Keep in mind that 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories.
Want some examples?
Cut 100
- leave 1 tbsp. of butter off of your bread
- make your sandwich without the slice of cheese
- leave four bites on your plate
- instead of a full glass of juice, add a splash of juice to sparkling water
- dance for 15 - 20 minutes
- vacuum and scrub floors for 25 minutes
- climb up and down your stairs for 15 minutes
- wash your car for 25-30 minutes
Now, this plan won't have you losing a pound a week, to do that, math says you need to cut 250 calories and burn 250 calories each day. That is still do-able, just need to work a bit harder.
So, that is the plan for the week. I am going to try to keep at what I was doing and incorporate the cut and burn program.
Below is the quote I posted for the group:
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Sunday Confessions - # 4
I find this weekly post the hardest to keep up with. Not because I am perfect or anything crazy like that. I think part of it is that my bad habits are so ingrained and second nature that I don't even notice them.
But I must confess:
But I must confess:
I am the Queen of Excuses!
If there can be any time of excuse to not exercise, I will think of it.
Here is a quick sampling of some of the ones that I use:
Here is a quick sampling of some of the ones that I use:
- It's too cold
- It's too hot
- The kids need me around at bedtime
- It's too dark out
- I might get attacked by a cougar (this one came last year after an alleged cougar sighting in the village)
- My baby toe hurts
- I would walk if I had a partner to walk with
- I don't have time
- If I can't exercise for a good 30 minutes, it's not worth it
- I'm too tired
- My stomach feels upset
- My kids coming won't make for a good calorie burning walk
As you can see, a good fat girl will come up with any excuse to not exercise.
I am working hard at changing this since my gall bladder surgery.
I am out walking nice and slow and not letting the weather or children stop me.
I am working hard at changing this since my gall bladder surgery.
I am out walking nice and slow and not letting the weather or children stop me.
Look at all those wonderful reasons to pack up my excuses!
How about you? Are good at making excuses?
How about you? Are good at making excuses?
Friday, April 12, 2013
Fitness Friday - 04/06 - 04/12
Friday already!
To make it even's a snow day here in icy Keene. It's April! We should not be having ice storms. On the bright side, it did result in my having a snow day from work while I shipped the kiddos off to school and daycare! Yeah Me! :-)
So, there will not be too much to report fitness-wise. With my surgery 2 weeks ago, I feel like I missed a whole week somewhere.
Saturday & Sunday: nadda - in recovery mode. I did take Hayden to a birthday party on Sunday and wandered around for a couple hours, but I never really count spending money while I shop as exercise.
Monday: nadda again. This was my first day back to work after almost 2 weeks off of work. I had actually suggested we take the kids for a bike ride after dinner (I was going to walk...not ready to ride yet), but it started to rain.
Tuesday: I went for a 30 minute walk at work
Wednesday: 20 minute walk with Abby. Real time for just me would have been 10.....toddler pace doubles that. I should get extra points for was raining!
Thursday: 25 minute walk around the block - again....should get bonus walk was freezing rain/ice pellets
Friday: Snow day today! Complete ice storm. I did NO exercise. Not fit to walk outside today and I was basically too lazy to get on the treadmill!
All in all, it was not a terrible week for exercise considering I am on the mend still. 3 out of 7 days. Hoping to make that at least 6 for next week.
How about you? What did you do to get yourself moving this past week?
To make it even's a snow day here in icy Keene. It's April! We should not be having ice storms. On the bright side, it did result in my having a snow day from work while I shipped the kiddos off to school and daycare! Yeah Me! :-)
So, there will not be too much to report fitness-wise. With my surgery 2 weeks ago, I feel like I missed a whole week somewhere.
Saturday & Sunday: nadda - in recovery mode. I did take Hayden to a birthday party on Sunday and wandered around for a couple hours, but I never really count spending money while I shop as exercise.
Monday: nadda again. This was my first day back to work after almost 2 weeks off of work. I had actually suggested we take the kids for a bike ride after dinner (I was going to walk...not ready to ride yet), but it started to rain.
Tuesday: I went for a 30 minute walk at work
Wednesday: 20 minute walk with Abby. Real time for just me would have been 10.....toddler pace doubles that. I should get extra points for was raining!
Thursday: 25 minute walk around the block - again....should get bonus walk was freezing rain/ice pellets
Friday: Snow day today! Complete ice storm. I did NO exercise. Not fit to walk outside today and I was basically too lazy to get on the treadmill!
All in all, it was not a terrible week for exercise considering I am on the mend still. 3 out of 7 days. Hoping to make that at least 6 for next week.
How about you? What did you do to get yourself moving this past week?
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Thanks to Sarah Nelson for posting this picture on Facebook! My house people and our poor birch tree! |
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Non Scale Victory Link Up # 3
Well, it's nice to feel that I am back in control and on track.
I am feeling pretty well after my surgery and managed to lose a pound after it. I took that as an opportunity to get back on track. Another part that helps is my diet is a bit more limited now and I am afraid to try a few things I used to eat in fear it will send me to the bathroom with terrible cramps.
Anyhoo, I had to struggle a bit to figure out what my Non Scale Victory for this week is. I mean, I couldn't go hard core exercise and I was in no mood to try new foods.
I think I came up with a couple good ones though
Firstly, to update on a previous one, I now consider myself an eater of peppers RAW (but only with dip at this point) I joked with my TOPS group that I had matured since I last attended a meeting. But here is why it's a big opens the doors to adding that vegetable to other items. It means I don't have to pick it out of my spaghetti sauce or off my pizza. It means I ate them in the fajitas I made last night. Do we see the trend people?!!? It's adding a lower calorie filler to meals.
My other NSV is that yesterday (my day off) I went for a walk with my daughter. Ok, no big deal you are thinking right? Here is the catch! IT WAS COLD AND RAINING! The old fat me would have just brushed off the walk...but the new fat me, decided that I could bundle it up and take an umbrella. It didn't matter if my hair or clothes got wet. I could take care of that at home. The walk was not as successful as I had hoped. My 3 year old got "chilly" about 10 minutes in, so we had to turn around and come back.
I should also point out that if you are thinking....10 minutes, that is pretty good. Yeah, I could still see my house at this point. Walking with a 3 year old is like watching paint dry. SLOW. Also take into account that there were pink rubber boots to wear and puddles to jump it. But every step counts, but it's not a heart rate raising jaunt.
How about you? How did you make out this week?
Why not link up too? At the very least, go be inspired by these other bloggers!
I am feeling pretty well after my surgery and managed to lose a pound after it. I took that as an opportunity to get back on track. Another part that helps is my diet is a bit more limited now and I am afraid to try a few things I used to eat in fear it will send me to the bathroom with terrible cramps.
Anyhoo, I had to struggle a bit to figure out what my Non Scale Victory for this week is. I mean, I couldn't go hard core exercise and I was in no mood to try new foods.
I think I came up with a couple good ones though
Firstly, to update on a previous one, I now consider myself an eater of peppers RAW (but only with dip at this point) I joked with my TOPS group that I had matured since I last attended a meeting. But here is why it's a big opens the doors to adding that vegetable to other items. It means I don't have to pick it out of my spaghetti sauce or off my pizza. It means I ate them in the fajitas I made last night. Do we see the trend people?!!? It's adding a lower calorie filler to meals.
My other NSV is that yesterday (my day off) I went for a walk with my daughter. Ok, no big deal you are thinking right? Here is the catch! IT WAS COLD AND RAINING! The old fat me would have just brushed off the walk...but the new fat me, decided that I could bundle it up and take an umbrella. It didn't matter if my hair or clothes got wet. I could take care of that at home. The walk was not as successful as I had hoped. My 3 year old got "chilly" about 10 minutes in, so we had to turn around and come back.
I should also point out that if you are thinking....10 minutes, that is pretty good. Yeah, I could still see my house at this point. Walking with a 3 year old is like watching paint dry. SLOW. Also take into account that there were pink rubber boots to wear and puddles to jump it. But every step counts, but it's not a heart rate raising jaunt.
How about you? How did you make out this week?
Why not link up too? At the very least, go be inspired by these other bloggers!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Truth Of Tuesday Night
Yahoo! I am officially back and in recover mode. My surgery went well and I am feeling pretty good. I went back to work today and it is nice to get back into the normal routine of things.
I had really hoped that the combination of my gall bladder and gall stones would have weighed about 40 lbs, resulting in an a triumphant loss tonight at TOPS. Turns out, that was wishful thinking.
The last time I attended my meeting was March 19th
248.75 lbs
This week: 247.75 lbs
That is a loss of 1 lb. I contribute it to the fact that for 3 days, I really only ate Popsicle's and ginger ale. My appetite was diminished and I am hoping to keep that momentum going. I want to try and embrace the feeling of being satisfied with a smaller amount of food.
I went for a slow walk at work today. No speed walking for me yet. I cannot lift over 10 lbs until the end of April, so I am using those same guidelines for heavy exercise, such as running. For now, I will continue to plod away slowly.
I am focused to keep the scale going in the right direction. I am also going to start logging my food again.
Here is to a good week!
I had really hoped that the combination of my gall bladder and gall stones would have weighed about 40 lbs, resulting in an a triumphant loss tonight at TOPS. Turns out, that was wishful thinking.
The last time I attended my meeting was March 19th
248.75 lbs
This week: 247.75 lbs
That is a loss of 1 lb. I contribute it to the fact that for 3 days, I really only ate Popsicle's and ginger ale. My appetite was diminished and I am hoping to keep that momentum going. I want to try and embrace the feeling of being satisfied with a smaller amount of food.
I went for a slow walk at work today. No speed walking for me yet. I cannot lift over 10 lbs until the end of April, so I am using those same guidelines for heavy exercise, such as running. For now, I will continue to plod away slowly.
I am focused to keep the scale going in the right direction. I am also going to start logging my food again.
Here is to a good week!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
I'm A Famous Guest Blogger!
So my friends, I am now a famous guest blogger....well famous except for the money and fame part.
It was a great surprise and honour to be asked to guest post, so pop on over to Kate's blog, Not Your Typical Jersey Girl and read my post.
I'm so new to guest posting that I totally forgot to add a link to my own blog in my post. Hopefully someone will check me out, I had to leave it in the comments :-)
Show me some blog love, pop over and leave a comment so I can tell who has read it!
It was a great surprise and honour to be asked to guest post, so pop on over to Kate's blog, Not Your Typical Jersey Girl and read my post.
I'm so new to guest posting that I totally forgot to add a link to my own blog in my post. Hopefully someone will check me out, I had to leave it in the comments :-)
Show me some blog love, pop over and leave a comment so I can tell who has read it!
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