Let's review!
- The total distance to Morrow Mountain State Park in Albemarle, NC is 997 km
- We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk 5.8 km a day.
- Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
- Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):
- total walked: 34.99 km
- total eligible: 27.44 km
(-13.16 km behind)
Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)
- total walked: 48.82 km
- total eligible: 36.95 km
(-3.65 km behind)
Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)
- total walked: 36.39 km
- total eligible: 25.30 km
(-15.30 km behind)
Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):
- total walked: 58.44 km
- total eligible: 42.91 km
(+2.31 km over)
Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):
- total walked: 45.95km
- total eligible: 35.49km
(-5.11km behind)
Week 6 (Aug 18 - 24):
- total walked: 56.91km
- total eligible: 41.11km
(+0.51 km over)
Week 7 (Aug 25 - 31):
- total walked: 49.32km
- total eligible: 42.45 km
(+1.85 km over)
Week 8 (Sept 1 - 7):
- total walked: 52.58 km
- total eligible: 39.86 km
(-0.74 km behind)
Week 9 (Sept 8 - 14):
- total walked: 74.52 km
- total eligible: 60.04km
(+19.44 km over)
Week 10 (Sept 15 - 21):
- total walked: ? km
- total eligible: 28.92 km
(-11.95 km behind)
Week 11 (Sept 29 - Oct 5)
- total walked: 38.81 km
- total eligible: 30.90 km
(-9.70 km behind)
Week 12 ( Oct. 6 - 12)
- total walked: 33.93 km
- total eligible: 30.86km
(-9.47 km behind)
Last week (Oct 13 - Oct 19):
- total walked: 56.41 km
- total eligible: 50.82 km
(+10.22 km over)
This week: (Oct 20 - Oct 26)
Sunday: 4.45 km (Total) 4.45 (Eligible)
Monday: 1.34 km (Total) 1.34 km(Eligible)
Tuesday: 4.40 km (Total) 4.40 km (Eligible)
Wednesday: 6.38 km (Total) 6.38 km (Eligible)
Thursday: 5.24 km (Total) 5.24 km (Eligible)
Friday: 6.02 km (Total) 6.02 km (Eligible)
Saturday: 4.38 km (Total) 4.38 km (Eligible)
Goal: 40.6 km
-8.39 (behind)
Eligible: 564.97 km
-43.76 km (behind)
472.63 km to go!
I don't really feel this is an accurate portrayal of last week. My numbers the same as you might have noticed. I was all about craft prep this week. When I wasn't at work, I was at home, running from room to room getting things together and painted. I didn't wear my pedometer at all times either. I know 100% that I didn't go and get any "extra" exercise done. At no point did I just go for a walk. I think my shivering at the wet, cold pumpkin festival helped with my weight loss this week. I am still planning on reaching my goal for the end of November though.
Here are some pics from our booth at the craft sale!
Omgomgomgomgomgomg those are AWESOME!!!!!! I hope the craft sale went well.... those are fantastic!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have HIGH hopes you will get back on track. I went to the gym for the first time in more than 2 weeks and it felt like I was going for the first time again. I was winded and ughhhhhh. but, I'm going to keep it up!