Monday, August 25, 2014

Motivation Monday - # 1

It's time!

Time to get off my pansy ass and smarten up!  I have been failing myself since April really.  Since that time, I have put back on about 12 lbs.

I am not proud of that and my "skinny" jeans are now getting tight.  I refuse to buy larger ones, so I have no other option.

I was talking with a woman the other day and she was commenting how much she loves fall.  That it has this feeling of refresh and starting new.  As I got thinking about that later, the more I agreed with it.

There is only one more week left of summer and then the kids go back to school.

It's the return of ROUTINE!!!!!

This fall will however bring a new routine for me.  My daughter starts full day kindergarten and my Wednesdays off will just be me.  I would lying if I didn't admit that I can't wait!  As of right now, my plan is this....walk the kids to school and then finish off with a walk of my own.

I will then spend some time with my blog and showing it some love too!  It's feeling much neglected.

Quite some time ago, I played around with the notion of starting a Facebook page for my blog.  I felt it would be give me a space to share my blog post without clogging up the TOPS page and I didn't want to put it in my news feed for everyone to read.

I did start one, it's out there ready to go, but I wasn't committed enough to make it "live".  That changes today.  I need the accountability of it

So, if you would like to "join" my page, pop over HERE and "like" it!

So, with the renewal of fall in mind, here is a quote just to help you remember!


  1. We're adjusting over here too since the school year has started. I can't wait to get settled into a new routine.

    Good luck with everything and have a fantastic week!

  2. I hear ya there. I finally recommitted myself too to going back to the basics and after a YEAR of the scale not moving, lo and behold... 5 pounds down in 2 weeks. I could seriously smack myself in the head.

    Going to like the page! (sad face.. I can't find it! Can you relink it?)
