Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Truth Of Tuesday Night

Before I go to my meeting each week, I weigh in at home for comparison purposes.   My scale at home is usually a couple pounds higher, but somewhat consistent, so I know if my scale is higher or lower than last time, the scale at TOPS will reflect the same.


This week, there was a problem when I jumped on the scale before hand.  I knew I hadn't had a great week, my exercise slowed down towards the end of the week and my eating got worse.

I made my trek to the bedroom to see the damage done and when I got on it said:

I'm no expert but I was pretty sure I hadn't lost 30 lbs in a week.  I mean,  my pants still fit and all of that!  So I said to my husband, "I think the scale needs new batteries or something, it's a bit off"

So he jumps on and it reads correctly for him.  So I get on again....nope, still 30 lbs lighter.

The sad sick part of me really wished it was true, but the proof was in the pudding.

So I went to my meeting, not really having any idea what to expect on the scale, but I was thinking up.
Last week:  244.0 lbs
This week: 244.0 lbs
Once again I stayed the same.  I am now focused.  I am still trying to take it easy on the foot, so my exercise will be cut down a bit, but I need to watch my eating.  It is totally possible to lose weight without exercising.

We had a great meeting and in an effort to make my blog more enjoyable, I thought I would start sharing some of our meetings.
The Pinocchio Syndrome.....when you lie about your diet!
Have you ever noticed how the more you lie to yourself about what you're eating, the wider your waistline grows?  Maybe you are suffering from the Pinocchio Syndrome.  Just like Pinocchio, the consequences of your lying will soon become apparent.  Here are some common dieting fibs:
Replace this with "I'll start right now."  Your conflict will disappear and so will the guilt.  A successful diet is an eating style for life.....and doesn't begin tomorrow.
No calorie counter ever printed says three ounces of fish or chicken is equal to a huge dish of ice cream and you know it.  Eat your three meals a day and include a small dessert or a small snack.  You'll have no excuse to overeat unnecessary foods.
Holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are occasions to celebrate, but overeating isn't the way to have a good time.  Be really good to yourself on special days and find worthy ways to celebrate.
Keeping tempting foods in the house is a sure way to undermine your diet.  If family members insist on eating fatty or surgery foods, make them indulge on the outside in their own time.  And then keep your grocery cart free from dangerous foods.
Most people's weight does fluctuate from day to day.  But if your scale is consistently weighing you in on the high side and your jeans are consistently tight, it's time you faced reality.  There' nothing wrong with your scale.
Vegetarian diets are great providing you don't drench the salads in fattening dressings.  Fruit juices too are laden with calories and sugar.  Just because you drink something don't think it doesn't count.  It all adds up.
What you are really saying is, "I've succeeded so now it's time to fail."  That just doesn't make any sense. You're just being a Pinocchio.
This lie usually lands you in front of the fridge with spoon in hand, wolfing down a pint of ice cream or leftovers.  After dinner snacking is just as fattening while standing as it is while sitting down.
And then we tell ourselves we will start again in the morning.  With this reasoning, a 265 calorie bagel and cream cheese mistake at breakfast may very well turn into a 4000 calorie day.  Don't give up.  Get back on track at your next meal.  Don't wait until the next day.
Even Pinocchio would blush if he heard this lie.  Keep a written record of what you eat.  You'll be surprised to learn how much of what you're just looking at winds up in your mouth!
Unless it's been diagnosed by a doctor, this untruth rationalizes naughty behavior.  If you're really concerned about your metabolism, see a specialist.  And you can always rely on exercise to increase your metabolism if you really think this is the problem.
This lie would increase Pinocchio's nose by three inches.  The plain and simple truth is, if you're not losing weight, it's because you're eating more calories than your body is burning off.  Instead of making excuses, perhaps your best bet would be to really examine what you're doing or NOT doing and make a few adjustments.  Stop playing games and lying to yourself and others.  Start being honest with yourself and figure out what you want....If you're true to yourself, the TOPS scale will be true to you.
This is all some great advice and I have used a few of those "tall tales" myself a time or too.
I'm linking up today.....check it out! 
Weigh In Wedneday

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Road Trip Review - Week 10

Before I get into my review.....sorry this is a couple days's been hectic around here!

Let's review!

  • The total distance to Troutville is 997 km
  • We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk   5.8  km a day.
  • Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
  • Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
The road so far:

Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):

 - total walked: 34.99 km
  - total eligible: 27.44 km
      (-13.16 km behind)

Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)

 - total walked: 48.82 km
  - total eligible: 36.95 km
      (-3.65 km behind)

Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)

 - total walked: 36.39 km
  - total eligible: 25.30 km
      (-15.30 km behind)

Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):

  - total walked: 58.44 km
  - total eligible: 42.91 km
      (+2.31 km over)

Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):

  - total walked: 45.95km
  - total eligible: 35.49km
      (-5.11km behind)

Week 6 (Aug 18 - 24):

  - total walked: 56.91km
  - total eligible: 41.11km
      (+0.51 km over)

Week 7 (Aug 25 - 31):

  - total walked: 49.32km
  - total eligible: 42.45 km
      (+1.85 km over)

Week 8 (Sept 1 - 7):

  - total walked: 52.58 km
  - total eligible: 39.86 km
     (-0.74 km behind)

Last week (Sept 8 -14):

  - total walked: 74.52 km
  - total eligible: 60.04 km
      (+ 19.44 km over)

This week: (Sept 15 - 21)

Sunday: 3.05 km (Total) 3.05 km (Eligible)

Monday: 5.51 km (Total) 5.51 km(Eligible)

Tuesday: 9.21 km (Total) 8.87 km (Eligible)

Wednesday: 9.11 km (Total) 5.59 km (Eligible)

Thursday: 6.87 km (Total) 5.98 km (Eligible)

Friday: 3.43 km(Total) 2.90 km (Eligible)

Saturday: 5.42km (Total) 4.90 km (Eligible)

Goal: 40.6 km
-0.89  (behind)


Eligible: 391.26 km
-14.74 km (behind)

So, this week was not as impressive at last week...and in truth, I think I am paying for last week now.  Over the weekend, my right foot really started to give me trouble again and I have been trying to take it easy and rest it a bit, but it's nearly impossible when you have kids AND when you want to get out walking.  My report for next week will reflect my food troubles for sure!

If you have not checked out my partner yet.....GO NOW!  Julie is awesome and the sights she saw on her trip last week are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!  Even more amazing because I have no freakin' clue where I am.....I'll just let you know when I get there! :-)

And now for my random photo!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Non-Scale Victory # 14

Ok, I gotta kind of admit that this isn't really a non-scale victory necessarily, but I just REALLY wanted to join the link up today and didn't want to bore you with the same old "I worked out all week and ate well" kind of crap I can usually come up with.

This non-scale victory is about daring to dream!

I have a secret confession about a sport I want to participate in.....are you ready?

Yup!  Roller derby!!  There is a woman's league in Peterborough and there is this little part of me that so badly wants to join!

When I mentioned this to my hubby, he gave me that sideways glance and reminded me of my ice skating fiasco where I didn't even get half way around the rink, never letting go of my death grip on the boards, except for the instances where I was holding on to him.  To this day, I am pretty sure his left arm is now a bit longer than the right.

I tried reason with him and stated that I was pretty sure that 4 wheels would be easier to balance on than a 1/2" thin strip of metal blade would be, but he was not convinced!

Their website says you do not need to know how to skate, just need the required equipment.  How bad ass would I look out there?

From the video, it totally looks manageable.  I mean, looks like they need blockers and my mother used to joke that I was built like a brick shit house and who can mess with that?  AND in regards to my hubby's concern of not being able to get around the rink due to my splendid skating abilities (or lack there of), you just grab onto the shirt of your opponent and they pull you around!
I think it would be super awesome...and for now, I will put it on the back burner, but I haven't given up yet.  I might try and make it out to a game sometime and see it in person!
Here is how you find the link up, join in or at least check it out!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Truth Of Tuesday Night

It was a chilly walk home from my meeting tonight.

I had a great week exercise-wise, but I do still need to work on the food aspect of it, but you can't change it all at once right?

So with that in mind, I am pretty sure I was having a decent week until Sunday.  On Sunday we went apple picking.  I know, you are can picking apples make for a bad day?  The actual picking at the orchard didn't, it was our stop on the way home that did it.

We picked at this nice little family orchard that we have been going to for a  few years now.  On the drive there we always see "The Big Apple" but never go. 

To be completely truthful, I wanted to go and get some high calorie baking stuff.  I did and ate it!

As for numbers on the scale...could have been worse.

Last week: 244.0 lbs

This week: 244.0 lbs

I managed to stay the same, but would have probably been down if I hadn't gorged on apple bread and fritters!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Road Trip Review - Week 9

Let's review!

  • The total distance to Troutville is 997 km
  • We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk   5.8  km a day.
  • Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
  • Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
The road so far:

Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):

 - total walked: 34.99 km
  - total eligible: 27.44 km
      (-13.16 km behind)

Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)

 - total walked: 48.82 km
  - total eligible: 36.95 km
      (-3.65 km behind)

Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)

 - total walked: 36.39 km
  - total eligible: 25.30 km
      (-15.30 km behind)

Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):

  - total walked: 58.44 km
  - total eligible: 42.91 km
      (+2.31 km over)

Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):

  - total walked: 45.95km
  - total eligible: 35.49km
      (-5.11km behind)

Week 6 (Aug 18 - 24):

  - total walked: 56.91km
  - total eligible: 41.11km
      (+0.51 km over)

Week 7 (Aug 25 - 31):

  - total walked: 49.32km
  - total eligible: 42.45 km
      (+1.85 km over)

Last week (Sept 1 - 7):

  - total walked: 52.58 km
  - total eligible: 39.86km
      (-0.74 km behind)

This week: (Sept 1 - 7 )

Sunday: 11.28 km (Total) 7.15 km (Eligible)

Monday: 8.13 km (Total) 7.87 km(Eligible)

Tuesday: 9.65 km (Total) 8.81 km (Eligible)

Wednesday: 14.79 km (Total) 10.69 km (Eligible)

Thursday: 12.51 km (Total) 10.89 km (Eligible)

Friday: 9.28 km(Total) 8.63 km (Eligible)

Saturday: 8.88 km (Total) 6.00 km (Eligible)

Goal: 40.6 km
+19.44 (over)


Eligible: 351.55 km
-13.85 km (behind)

686.05 km to go!

Just look at those numbers people!

I'm not saying I'm awesome......but I'm AWESOME!!!! 

I walked my butt off last week.  It was hard work and I didn't like it, but it paid off and I am so proud of that!  On Thursday alone I managed to walk for almost 2 hours straight and picked up 10,000 steps on that stint of the treadmill.  If I can keep that up, I will be caught up on my km's in no time and then some!

Julie, my walking partner, is pretty awesome herself!  She does more than me in regards to exercise.  She hits the gym and does all sort of cool things, like Zumba, spin class and works out her core and arms!   Make sure you go and check out her page, show her some love by leaving a comment (tell her you came over from my blog) and you can follow her on Blog Lovin' like I do!

Well, I better keep on trekking!  Have a great week!

Oh yeah, and now for my obligatory random picture!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Truth Of Tuesday Night

So, I didn't post last week because my results were pretty crappy....not terrible, only .25 lb gain, but still enough to make me disappointed in myself once again.

After last week, I vowed to get myself back on track 100% and figure this crap out!  I was getting disappointed in the whole thing...myself, my lack of commitment to food journalling and eating well, disappointment in being so many km's behind on my journey to Troutville, etc, etc, etc!

I did pretty good and had the results to show for I figured I would.

So back to the numbers:

Last week my weight was:  245.25 lbs

This week: 244.00 lbs.

Down 1.25 lbs.

I am not going to celebrate it much yet, I have a tendency to blow it after a good week.

Here is a bit of inspiration to get you through your week, in case you are in a rough patch too!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Road Trip Review - Week 8

Let's review!

  • The total distance to Troutville is 997 km
  • We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk   5.8  km a day.
  • Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
  • Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
The road so far:

Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):

 - total walked: 34.99 km
  - total eligible: 27.44 km
      (-13.16 km behind)

Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)

 - total walked: 48.82 km
  - total eligible: 36.95 km
      (-3.65 km behind)

Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)

 - total walked: 36.39 km
  - total eligible: 25.30 km
      (-15.30 km behind)

Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):

  - total walked: 58.44 km
  - total eligible: 42.91 km
      (+2.31 km over)

Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):

  - total walked: 45.95km
  - total eligible: 35.49km
      (-5.11km behind)

Week 6 (Aug 18 - 24):

  - total walked: 56.91km
  - total eligible: 41.11km
      (+0.51 km over)

Last week (Aug 25 - 31):

  - total walked: 49.32 km
  - total eligible: 42.45km
      (+1.85 km over)

This week: (Sept 1 - 7 )

Sunday: 7.81 km (Total) 6.36 km (Eligible)

Monday: 5.82 km (Total) 2.90 km(Eligible)

Tuesday: 6.88 km (Total) 6.84 km (Eligible)

Wednesday: 8.85 km (Total) 7.64 km (Eligible)

Thursday: 9.89 km (Total) 8.46 km (Eligible)

Friday: 7.67 km(Total) 4.66 km (Eligible)

Saturday: 5.66 km (Total) 3.00 km (Eligible)

Goal: 40.6 km
-0.74 (behind)


Eligible: 291.51 km
-33.29 km (behind)
705.49 km to go!

Make sure you pop over to cheer on Julie's hard work for the week!.

So, I was looking back on last week's numbers and if you paid any attention to the details, you will see that I screwed them up royally somewhere.  I don't even know where and well basically, math is not my strong skill.  Love me anyway!  I got it straightened out this time around though.  My numbers are in order.

I've been reviewing my weeks and basically I suck!

I have been under my required km's more then I have been over!  I have been short 5 weeks and over only 3 weeks.  I am hoping to catch up a few for my review next week.

I also feel my blog lacks pictures.  I'll give my excuse and the reason why I think that is....I don't have one of those fancy camera phones that I can whip out of my pocket and snap away whenever I please.  If I am going to take a picture, I have to plan ahead and lug around my camera.  Let's be honest...that won't happen, I don't even take pictures of my kids!!!!

So, in order to add a bit more "life" to this blog, here is a picture for ya to enjoy!

Shall I explain this for you?  These are the characters from my favorite show (and I'm talking 16 year old, fan girl favorite!  I would hang posters if I didn't feel it was highly inappropriate for a 30 something year old married woman!)  It's the only show I watch each week and my workout shirt is from there.  The one in the middle is my boyfriend...(shh, my husband doesn't know!)  I also included this because each week on this post, there is a reference to the show....I don't know if Julie even picked up on sub-title before I add all my numbers is   "The Road So Far" and it is one of the introduction phrases on the show each week.  It's my way of being a geek in secret!

I'm planning on a kick ass week and I hope you have a great week too!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Let's Get Serious!

Listen up folks, it's time to put my serious face on!

This year has SUCKED!  Both weight-wise and otherwise.  It is very safe to say that 2013 is NOT my year!

I have learned a few things being that I am not a stress eater....I am an annoyed eater.  It might come across as stressed, as in the kids are fighting, dinner is boiling over and the dog won't lay down, but really it is annoyance I am feeling, not stress.  True stress makes me not hungry at all!  But if I am annoyed with the situation at hand...I suddenly feel like chocolate will make everything better....and it does.....for a few minutes, until it sits for a bit and I feel sick to my stomach.

After attending TOPS on Tuesday and being up again on the scale by .25 lbs, I was determined this week.  I know what I have to do and the results of that will pay off.

I am logging and walking.  I have about a million miles to make up for in my walking challenge with Julie.  If I don't get that act in order, she is going to be sitting in Troutville, sipping Margaritas (or whatever the drink of choice is in Troutville) by herself, while I sprint across state lines to meet her.

I was also spurred into gear while out for a walk at work on Thursday.  There is something about that moment when you realize the man standing in front of you looks better in a skirt then you do!  I give him props for having the courage to wear such a short skirt...I don't have the nerve!

I have also upped my fibre intake.  I wish I could say that I am filling my plate with salads and other fruits and veggies, but not really.  I bought some no name Metamucil and am adding it to my water.  So far, I can report that there is no noticeable effect, taste or other-wise, aka, I am NOT writing this from the bathroom.

I need to focus, it's getting to be a good time of year for if there is ever a bad time!  It's going to be getting colder and I am prepping for a  craft sale at the end of October that will have me saying "I can't walk, I have to paint"  I will have to either get it done earlier in the day or stay up later at night.

I just need to keep focused for the rest of this week and then hopefully I will have a loss on the scale to encourage me to do it again.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Road Trip Review - Week 7

Let's review!

  • The total distance to Troutville is 997 km
  • We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk   5.8  km a day.
  • Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
  • Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
The road so far:

Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):

 - total walked: 34.99 km
  - total eliglible: 27.44 km
      (-13.16 km behind)

Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)

 - total walked: 48.82 km
  - total eligible: 36.95 km
      (-3.65 km behind)

Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)

 - total walked: 36.39 km
  - total eligible: 25.30 km
      (-15.30 km behind)

Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):

  - total walked: 58.44 km
  - total eligible: 42.91 km
      (+2.31 km over)

Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):

  - total walked: 45.95km
  - total eligible: 35.49km
      (-5.11km behind)

Last week (Aug 18 - 24):

  - total walked: 56.91km
  - total eligible: 41.11km
      (+0.51 km over)

This week: ( August 25 - 31 )

Sunday: 6.96 km (Total) 4.40 km (Eligible)

Monday: 4.88 km (Total) 4.56 km(Eligible)

Tuesday: 7.73 km (Total) 6.21 km (Eligible)

Wednesday: 7.72 km (Total) 6.40 km (Eligible)

Thursday: 5.77 km (Total) 5.72 km (Eligible)

Friday: 5.56 km(Total) 3.72 km (Eligible)

Saturday: 11.07 km (Total) 11.07 km (Eligible)

Goal: 40.6 km


Eligible: 251.65km
-32.55 km (behind)
45.35 km to go!

Make sure you pop over to cheer on Julie's hard work for the week!.

In case you were numbers for Saturday were real! I counted EVERY SINGLE STEP for the day.  On Saturday, I was in charge of a fundraising yard sale for the daycare and was on my feet from 5:30 am - 2:00 pm.  By 10:00 I had already put in my 10,000 steps!  I was SOOOO exhausted.  It was all worth it, a quick total showed that we raised just over $500.00.

My week prior to the sale was spent in the toy room, getting rid of crap my kids don't play with.  What didn't sell all went for donation.

I need to keep on track of my steps/kms's for this week AND for the love of all that is important...I need to log my food and eat the appropriate number of calories!  Just what will make it all click for me?  It's gotta sometime soon!

Have a great week!!