- The total distance to Troutville is 997 km
- We have 170 days until December 31, 2013 (the end date) and that means we need to walk 5.8 km a day.
- Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance (so 2.9 km)
- Each 30 minute of non walking/running exercise counts as 0.5 km, up to 3.2 km of our total
Week 1 ( July 14 - 20):
- total walked: 34.99 km
- total eligible: 27.44 km
(-13.16 km behind)
Week 2 ( July 21 - 27)
- total walked: 48.82 km
- total eligible: 36.95 km
(-3.65 km behind)
Week 3 ( July 28 - Aug. 3)
- total walked: 36.39 km
- total eligible: 25.30 km
(-15.30 km behind)
Week 4 (Aug 4 - 10):
- total walked: 58.44 km
- total eligible: 42.91 km
(+2.31 km over)
Week 5 (Aug 11 - 17):
- total walked: 45.95km
- total eligible: 35.49km
(-5.11km behind)
Week 6 (Aug 18 - 24):
- total walked: 56.91km
- total eligible: 41.11km
(+0.51 km over)
Week 7 (Aug 25 - 31):
- total walked: 49.32km
- total eligible: 42.45 km
(+1.85 km over)
Last week (Sept 1 - 7):
- total walked: 52.58 km
- total eligible: 39.86km
(-0.74 km behind)
This week: (Sept 1 - 7 )
Sunday: 11.28 km (Total) 7.15 km (Eligible)
Monday: 8.13 km (Total) 7.87 km(Eligible)
Tuesday: 9.65 km (Total) 8.81 km (Eligible)
Wednesday: 14.79 km (Total) 10.69 km (Eligible)
Thursday: 12.51 km (Total) 10.89 km (Eligible)
Friday: 9.28 km(Total) 8.63 km (Eligible)
Saturday: 8.88 km (Total) 6.00 km (Eligible)
Goal: 40.6 km
+19.44 (over)
Eligible: 351.55 km
-13.85 km (behind)
686.05 km to go!
Just look at those numbers people!
I'm not saying I'm awesome......but I'm AWESOME!!!!
I'm not saying I'm awesome......but I'm AWESOME!!!!
I walked my butt off last week. It was hard work and I didn't like it, but it paid off and I am so proud of that! On Thursday alone I managed to walk for almost 2 hours straight and picked up 10,000 steps on that stint of the treadmill. If I can keep that up, I will be caught up on my km's in no time and then some!
Julie, my walking partner, is pretty awesome herself! She does more than me in regards to exercise. She hits the gym and does all sort of cool things, like Zumba, spin class and works out her core and arms! Make sure you go and check out her page, show her some love by leaving a comment (tell her you came over from my blog) and you can follow her on Blog Lovin' like I do!
Julie, my walking partner, is pretty awesome herself! She does more than me in regards to exercise. She hits the gym and does all sort of cool things, like Zumba, spin class and works out her core and arms! Make sure you go and check out her page, show her some love by leaving a comment (tell her you came over from my blog) and you can follow her on Blog Lovin' like I do!
Well, I better keep on trekking! Have a great week!
Oh yeah, and now for my obligatory random picture!
Hey how did you find my zumba selfies?!?!
YOU TOTALLY ARE AWESOME!!!! Look at those numbers!!!
Your deficit will be gone in NO TIME if you pack in a few more days like Thursday and Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 U!