Friday, March 28, 2014

Follow Through Friday - # 11

It's Friday!  It's Friday!  Link up time!


Let's look back and see how I did, shall we?  And just a week runs from Tuesday to Tuesday, so by the time I post this on Friday, my week is almost over!

Last Week:
  • Walk my required km for each day - 5.70 km
  • Lose 1 lb
  • Print out check list for the 30-Day Water Challenge until the end of October
  • Food Journal EVERYTHING and stay within my calorie limit (1559 as per Lose It)
  • TOPS CHALLENGE - No potatoes
3.5 out of 5 (details below)
  • I really don't feel like I need to touch on this one much any more.  While I still intend to keep it a weekly goal, it's not one I struggle with...that's why I like to put it first!
  • I almost didn't make it to to TOPS to weight in this week due to a hectic schedule, but I'm glad I did.  I lost my required pound and it will encourage me to keep up the good work.
  • I managed to get my sheets printed out and taped into my book.  I will start tracking again on April 1.
  • I did journal everything and while I didn't stay within my daily limit, my weekly limit was under goal.
  • I was out of this challenge the minute is was picked.  Firstly because I had done meal planning for the week and Wednesday night was calling for roast chicken and mashed potatoes.  Secondly, we are not big veggie eaters and potatoes or some other type of carb is our go-to side dish.
Goals For The Week
  • Walk my required km for each day - 5.70 km
  • Lose 1 lb
  • Food Journal EVERYTHING and stay within my calorie limit (1552 as per Lose It)
  • Maintain my uncontrollable PMS eating this weekend.
  • Be awesome!

I think when I go shopping this week, I am going to buy myself a couple of extra chicken breasts and cook them up for lunch.  I may even buy  myself some lettuce and make a little salad.  I need to start doing this.  While salad is not terrible, it is not my favorite.  I need to come up with an alternative to potatoes.  Also, I will do well to control my PMS cravings.  I feel myself losing control...going from one item to the next and then on to the next without thought to what it is I really want or if I am hungry.


March's leg of my walking challenge ends on Monday.  I have done really well with it this time around.  I am so proud that I am ahead and intend to stay that way.  I am also going to brainstorm  bit about another "mini" challenge I can add in.

So, there you have it.  That is my plan for the week.  If you don't plan your week out, it's really helpful to have a goal in mind to get you through the week.


  1. Sound like you had a great week. It took me a long time to finally switch out the potatos for something else, I actually love sweet potatos now and it's "kind" the same thing. :)

  2. Great Job!
    I have had the mindless eating PMS cravings this week, so while I have been going to the Y almost every day, I haven't seen anything on the scale. Oh well... Next week has to be better.
    Can you send me the link to your water challenge again?
