Sunday, March 2, 2014

Season Of Change

To the keen eyed observer who follows my blog, you may have noticed a design change.

About 2 weeks ago, I was doing my daily check on my blog and I noticed that the background features were gone.  Poof!  Just like that!  They were there the night before and then gone the next day.  After a bit of research, turns out the website I originally got it from decided to go from a free format to a paid one.  To keep the exact formatting I had, there would be a one-time fee of $40.

I was at a bit of a loss with what to do.  I LOVED the original design.  It was feminine and I spent quite a bit of time deciding on it.  This blog was important to me and a space where I could express myself.

After come careful though, I realized that while $40 is not a lot of money, it was to me!  It's just not in the budget.  At first glance, I was unimpressed with the templates that are available through blogger.  Then I discovered that there are more in-depth settings and formatting available.

I worked on it for a good chunk of the day yesterday and I think I have come up with a look I am pleased with.

It still has the colours and feminine feel the other one had.  While I may need to tweak it a little bit still, I am content.

I got thinking....perhaps it is very fitting that this happened.  I'm at a turning point in my journey and this change could be just what was needed to shake things up a bit.  I have also been contemplating a Facebook page for my blog.  I'm not sure about that yet though.  It would take a whole new level of commitment and I would hate to take that one and let people down.  Would be interested in hosting it with me?

And now...a little something to think about!


  1. You should definitely set up a facebook for your blog!
    I'll help promote it. c: You have an amazing blog here.
    I also love the new design!!
    That quote always makes me smile, even though I'm horrified of butterflies. XD


  2. Let me know if you do set up a fb for it! I was dreading spreading out into other forms of social media but it's pretty easy to do so and not nearly as time consuming as I was thinking it would be. :)
