Friday, April 11, 2014

Follow Through Friday - # 13

OH NO!  It's a Friday post that is number #13!  Good thing I am not superstitious!

Let's link up again, shall we?

Ok, so let's see what a crap shoot last week turned out to be, shall we?

Last Week:
  • Walk my required km for each day - 5.70 km
  • Lose 1 lb
  • Food Journal EVERYTHING and stay within my calorie limit (1557 as per Lose It)
  • Focus on my 30 Day Water Challenge again
  • Accomplish the tasks on the April Fitness Photo Challenge 
  • TOPS Daily Inspiration Tasks
2 out of 6 (details below)

First off, let me say, the flu struck me last week and didn't leave for a good 5 days, and my daughter was sick the rest of the time, so not much got done, but I don't feel bad about it, it is what it is.
  • I could barely stand, so walking was out!
  • I always say a good stomach flu is all you need for weight loss.  I didn't officially weigh in and I don't actually count my 6 lb loss, but I didn't want to look like a total failure!
  • I didn't eat enough to bother food journalling
  • Ginger ale was my only friend
  • I got them done, perhaps not quite on the right days...but that doesn't matter
  • My head was too foggy to even remember these ones!
It's a new week though, so let's have at it!

Goals For The Week
  • Walk my required km for each day - 5.70 km
  • Lose 1 lb
  • Food Journal EVERYTHING and stay within my calorie limit (1557 as per Lose It)
  • Focus on my 30 Day Water Challenge again
  • Accomplish the tasks on the April Fitness Photo Challenge 
  • TOPS Daily Inspiration Tasks
  • Send a letter or card to someone in the mail
  • Eat one serving of fruit everyday

Now that I am back to being hungry, I need to focus on better food and less of it.  The flu was almost like a forced cleanse.  I do wish that feeling of non-hunger would stick around.  As for water, just when I was getting into the challenge, I got sick and couldn't stomach water even.  Yesterday was my first day feeling 110% and I couldn't get enough water.  I was obviously dehydrated.  It was also my first day without any sort of pop.  We only have one kind at home right now and I don't like it, but let me tell you, I was craving one real bad.  I plan to just not buy any for a bit.  My girlfriend Julie set a goal to have at least 1 apple everyday and it inspired me to set myself a goal for at least 1 serving of fruit everyday.  It would not be odd for me to go a week without any fruit.


I managed to get one walk outside, but I haven't done any form of exercise for the past week and will get right back into it.  I have a number of km to make up with my walking challenge.

April Fitness Photo Challenge

I will put my blog post up with the pictures on Sundays.  Check out Julie and Ashley's progress with the challenge too!

This week's challenges are:

9.    Sweat
10.  Outside
11.  Body
12.  Snacks
13.  Shoes
14.  Where you relax
15.  Sport

TOPS Daily Inspiration Calendar

This week's ideas include:

8.    Check out the tools available in the Members Area of
9.    Flavor your food with herbs and spices
10.  Don't dwell on the past
11.  How can you burn 100 extra calories today?
12.  Consider trying a yoga class
13.  When you think you are hungry, make sure you are not just thirsty instead.
14.  Check out the "Monday Moment of Truth" blog on

As for sending someone a piece of mail, you can comment on this post and let me know if you would like to be a recipient of some.  We will then make sure I have your address to pop one in the mail.  I used to write letters ALL THE TIME!  I now write none!  That also means I don't receive any either, even though I just to get mail ALL THE TIME too!  It's no wonder Canada Post just increased the cost of a domestic stamp by 0.22 one uses it anymore!


  1. I still have all the letters you used to send me! They are in a special memory box. I still get letters but only because I live so far away!
