Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Road Trip Review - 2014 Edition - Month 3

Is it sad that I could not WAIT for this month to be over so I could do this review?

The reason?   Because I will shamlessly admit I kicked ass for the month of March.  I got all caught up on the km I was behind and then some.  I really wanted to gain some extra under my belt for unforseen circumstances.

Before we get into the nitty gritty details, let's remind ourselves of the "rules"

The Facts:
  • First Pit Stop of the journey is Crowley State Park, Arkansas - 1399 km
  • Next stop and final destination is Devil's Den State Park, Arkansas - 325 km
  • Total of 1724 km
  • 5.70 km a day, 40.95 km a week and 172.40 km a month
  • We have 10 months to complete the journey, from January 1 - October 31
  • Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance - 2.85 km
  • Each 30 minutes of non-walking/running exercise counts as 0.50 km, up to 3.20 km of our total
The Road So Far:

Month 1 - January

- total walked: 197.53 km
- total eligible: 174.22 km
  ( + 1.82 over)

Month 2 - February

- total walked: 180.13 km
- total eligible: 160.05 km
  (- 12.35 behind)

Month 3 - March

- total walked: 242.54 km
- total eligible: 201.23 km
  (+ 33.22 over )

- total walked: 620.20 km
- total eligible: 535.50 km
  (+22.69 km over)

I have made some good progress from home

I appear to be around Toledo, Ohio

In the middle of nowhere

Camped out in the bush

Me and the boys are on our way!

I can only hope to make the same level of progress through April.  It's my birthday month, it's gotta be awesome, right?

Julie's making her own awesome progress...go see for yourself!  She was worried she was going to be behind this month, but she pulled off some extra miles instead!  She must be a bigger fan of The King Of Hell than I am! 


  1. You just passed Detroit up, you should have came by and gave me a visit!! I'd give you a tour. c:
    Hope you're having fun. :D


  2. I love the zoom you did for your maps! Very creative! <3 <3

    Way to kick March's ASS!

    Seeing as how April is **OUR** birthday months... how's about we kick its ass together?!?!? I hope I can keep up with you!!!! <3 <3
