- First Pit Stop of the journey is Crowley State Park, Arkansas - 1399 km
- Next stop and final destination is Devil's Den State Park, Arkansas - 325 km
- Total of 1724 km
- 5.70 km a day, 40.95 km a week and 172.40 km a month
- We have 10 months to complete the journey, from January 1 - October 31
- Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance - 2.85 km
- Each 30 minutes of non-walking/running exercise counts as 0.50 km, up to 3.20 km of our total
The Road So Far:
Month 1 - January
- total walked: 197.53 km
- total eligible: 174.22 km
( + 1.82 over)
Month 2 - February
- total walked: 180.13 km
- total eligible: 160.05 km
(- 12.35 behind)
Month 3 - March
- total walked: 242.54 km
- total eligible: 201.23 km
(+ 33.22 over )
Month 4 - April
- total walked: 176.30 km
- total eligible: 141.75 km
(-27.91 behind)
- total walked: 796.50 km
- total eligible: 677.25 km
(-5.22 km behind)
April was a terrible month....it just fell apart and I never was able to put it back together. I was down for a week with the flu, easter and birthdays filled the month and I got into the mentality of "I blew it already, let's just forget about it and get back on track later!"
Here's the thing....tomorrow never came and if I'm being honest, it still really hasn't. I have gotten back into the exercise, but the food aspect is still out of control. I'm disappointed that I went from being 29 km ahead of the game to 5 km behind!
My goal for this month is not to be behind in km for one single day. So far so good.
Let's take a look with pictures, shall we?
Turns out I am just on the edge of Ohio, camped on the side of the road! Maybe the Impala broke down.
And here is my fancy map, courtesy of my partner Julie....who's kicking it, BTW...go check her out!
And here is my fancy map, courtesy of my partner Julie....who's kicking it, BTW...go check her out!
ReplyDeleteYou are only 5.22km behind. You can make that up in a weekend very easily! :-)
You and I will ROCK IT for May!!