Saturday, July 12, 2014

Garden Update

I know it hasn't been that long since I did my post about the garden, but it has changed SO much.  A burst of warm weather and rain is what it needed.   Let's have a quick looksi-poo:

Tomato plants....most have flowers now

Better picture of the tomatoes

Green pepper plants...they have flowers now too

Carrots in the front, tomatoes in the back

Romaine Lettuce


Potatoes are flowering

English cucumbers
 (this was taken Wednesday, they have at least doubled in size by now)

Flowering cantaloupe



My helper holding the lettuce we picked for supper

Carrots are coming along nicely!


  1. This is so awesome!! Your little garden gnome gets cuter by the day!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Great garden! I gave up on mine years ago! Totally thought your first pic was upside down for some weirdo reason!
