Sunday, July 20, 2014

Road Trip Review - 2014 Edition - Month 6

Julie and I are now more than half way through this challenge.

I'm still wavering, but how about we don't re-count all that crap, let's just look at the numbers, the pictures and get on with it.

The Facts:
  • First Pit Stop of the journey is Crowley State Park, Arkansas - 1399 km
  • Next stop and final destination is Devil's Den State Park, Arkansas - 325 km
  • Total of 1724 km
  • 5.70 km a day, 40.95 km a week and 172.40 km a month
  • We have 10 months to complete the journey, from January 1 - October 31
  • Our daily, everyday walking counts, but only up to half of our required distance - 2.85 km
  • Each 30 minutes of non-walking/running exercise counts as 0.50 km, up to 3.20 km of our total
The Road So Far:

Month 1 - January

- total walked: 197.53 km
- total eligible: 174.22 km
  ( + 1.82 over)

Month 2 - February

- total walked: 180.13 km
- total eligible: 160.05 km
  (- 12.35 behind)

Month 3 - March

total walked: 242.54 km
- total eligible: 201.23 km
  (+ 33.22 over )

Month 4 - April

- total walked: 176.30 km
- total eligible: 141.75 km
  (-27.91 behind)

Month 5 - May

- total walked: 204.43 km
- total eligible: 165.64
  (-10.97 behind)

Month 6 - June

- total walked: 182.40 km
- total eligible: 136.42.64
  (-34.58 behind)

- total walked: 1183.39 km
- total eligible: 979.31 km
  (-50.77 km behind)

So, I have wound up in the woods, just outside the campus of Vincennes University in Indiana.

And my fabulous wall map?

1 comment:

  1. stalking hot college guys again, are we? ;-)

    I'm so proud of you!! :-)
