Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Truth Of Tuesday Night

What a motivating and inspiring week I had.  For the first time in a long time, I had a week where I felt like I could do this. 

I could be successful and lost the weight I need to.

I worked at it and the scales moved in the right direction

Last week: 242.50 lbs

This week: 242.00 lbs

Loss of 0.50 lbs

I just have to keep telling myself that I am worth this.  I even had a great new friend join me tonight.  I am so happy to have her join our group and it encourages me to encourage someone else.

I will link this up tomorrow to weigh in Wednesday, so check back for the link!

And now for my regular dose of pictures.

Be proud of who you are and flaunt it!

Weigh In Wedneday


  1. You are so worth it and I have no doubt that you can absolutely do this!

  2. Great post! I love the picture lol
    Thanks for linking up with us :)
