Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Truth Of Tuesday Night

Right on time tonight!  I asked my hubby to bring home his laptop so I could do my post tonight.

I realized that I needed to start becoming more accountable and one of the ways I was losing focus was on my blog.  No longer did it matter that I recorded my weight on the Tuesday night.  It used to be that I got home and went right to the computer to do it.

So, I am going to work hard at re-focusing myself.

Last week: 247.50 lbs
This week:248.75 lbs

A gain of +1.25 lbs

I'm not happy with this.  It's dreadfully close to 250 again.

So, this week I am focused on eating better and moving more. 

I won't have a TOPS meeting for the next 2 weeks because of my gallbladder surgery, so here is hoping I can keep myself in line.

1 comment:

  1. Just because there is no TOPS for you doesn't mean you get to slack off on Tuesday nights! Even without a weigh-in I'd better at least see a check-in!! *shakes fist menacingly* :-P

    I'm keeping an in-progress post of my fitness for my Saturday Night Wrap-ups... that way on Saturday it doesn't seem like such a chore! :)
